It’s interesting to note that most Time & Attendance solution starts with a biometric hardware. But Cuckoo Tech is different. It is created by Opportune Technologies who are enterprise HRMS expert. We understand HR and compliance needs of organisations.
Compliance is a major task, even a pain, for HR managers. And Cuckoo Tech shines here. You can get statewise compliance reports in Government formats at any given point. It's a great advantage for statewise compliance reports in Government formats at any given point. It's a great advantage for organisations with multi-location offices, factories and stores.
So whether you have 200 locations, or 3 offices in the same city, every facility will have its compliance report as per the statutory guidelines.
We have seen all kinds of HR and compliance scenarios in the country for about a decade. Our HRMS solution is used by more than 125,000 employees in varied industries from manufacturing to service industry, from BPOs to retail chains as well.
We have distilled that knowledge and created Cuckoo Tech as an answer to Time and Attendance issues experienced by HR on a daily basis.
T&A is not just about technology, not just about capturing data. It is about shift planning, man hours consumed and cost effectiveness evaluation. As well as Time & Attendance compliance.
Our Compliance Solution:
Time & Attendance must fulfil one critical requirement—Compliance. That’s why Cuckoo Tech integrates with e-DOC, the digital platform for all your compliance matter.
This Time & Attendance compliance solution shows data in exactly the format suggested by government, may it be shop and establishment or factory act, all the forms & registers, be it attendance register, OT worked or leave register. All are available to download, thus making your company completely compliant.
The only Time & Attendance solution which gives you everything from employee attendance punch to compliance register on a single platform!
HR & Compliance Expertise: What difference does it make?
You will find the real difference in exchange of ideas.
When you talk to vendors who don’t understand HR, it’s a struggle for them even to understand the challenges you are facing. You talk HR, they talk technology.
When you will come across a challenge, we will not throw technical jargons at you. We understand your situation; audit its impact in the overall HR scenario and then solve it for you.
That’s what makes us the most endorsed T&A solution today.
To experience our highly endorsed consultative approach