Timesheet has been used for years by IT & Engineering companies to track & measure employee’s
hourly / daily & weekly activity. The concept is now being accepted and widely used by
various companies where resources are deployed on billable basis.
Typically for costly and project bound resources, revenue is based on project activity
completion, or efforts spent on performing tasks, irrespective of locations. It helps
logging employee’s productive hours against the project, activity. And that gets approved by
the concerned team manager for whom they are working. If required it can work alongside
Opportune timesheet Management System helps in better
resource planning as one resource can be mapped with multiple projects.
Opportune Timesheet, is an integrated part of its enterprise HRMS offering. The solution has
been deployed across various clients to capture employee’s work time & seamlessly connects
with billing, expenses, and project management tools. Share the data for billing its client.
Opportune Timesheet comes with following functionality.
Create new project.
Allocate resources to projects.
Allocate no of hours for the project, against each resource.
Create project time line.
Allocate project in-charge [reporting manage & client side approver].
Create activity Master.
Create Jobs/Modules to be worked upon.
Time sheet filling.
Each resource will log its time against the Jobs& activities defined under specific
Project in-charge can approve / send back to revise the timesheet.
Each timesheet has to be filled on weekly basis.
Timesheet can be saved in draft mode too.
Time sheet Analysis.
Comparison report: Hours allocated V/s consumed.
Data can be used to generate invoicing.
Data can be used to check internal costing against project.
Data can be used to check which activity took larger time over another one.
Data can be used to evaluate employees performance.